for Cuyahoga County Executive
- Transform Cuyahoga County into an Economic Powerhouse
We must transform Cuyahoga County into an economic powerhouse. As county executive, I will utilize my statewide experience in advancing collaboration to move economic development to rev up our county’s economic engine by building on our strengths – and we have lots of strengths.
- Align Educational Opportunities with Economic Needs
We must align educational opportunities to economic needs. There are lots of jobs, good jobs, currently available that are going unfilled because employers cannot find people with the appropriate training. Jobs in manufacturing companies, call centers, and hospitals, for example. Jobs that do not require 4 year degrees. By working with our community colleges, vocational schools, labor apprenticeship programs, and MAGNET, we can better connect educational opportunities to our economic needs.
- Establish the Northeast Ohio Talent Recruitment Initiative
The Northeast Ohio Talent Recruitment Initiative will be a public private partnership to reverse the brain drain and attract talent. We need to let the rest of the country and the world in on the well kept secret that is our quality of life in Northeast Ohio.
- Create the Community Collaboration Center
We should create the community collaboration center to utilize economies of scale, and combined purchasing power to reduce costs and eliminate wasteful duplication for our local communities and provide assistance to communities looking to advance innovative ideas and initiatives. Almost all of our 59 independent cities are too strapped for cash to simply continue to do business as we have done for decades.