
Gobiernos de los Condados y sus Municipalidades
County and Municipality Governments

Listado por porcentaje de población hispana. Los condados con porcentajes más altos aparecen primero.
Listed by percentage of Hispanic population. Counties with higher percentage are listed first.

LORAIN (10.8 %)

FRANKLIN (6.2 %)

ERIE (4.8 %)

DEFIANCE (10.8 %)

HANCOCK (6.2 %)

VAN WERT (4.1 %)

SANDUSKY (10.7 %)

WOOD (6.1 %)

HAMILTON (3.9 %)

FULTON (9.3 %)

SENECA (5.7 %)

CLARK (3.8 %)

HENRY (7.9 %)

OTTAWA (5.4 %)

ALLEN (3.7 %)

LUCAS (7.8 %)

BUTLER (5.4 %)


HURON (7.0 %)

PAULDING (5.2 %)

WYANDOT (3.3 %)

PUTNAM (6.8 %)

WILLIAMS (5.2 %)

WARREN (3.2 %)

CUYAHOGA (6.6 %)

LAKE (5.0 %)

MARION (3.1 %)

MAHONING (5.9 %)


DELAWARE (3.0 %)

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, County Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics - Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin;
updated annually for states and counties https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/oh. 2020 Census of Population and Housing for places;
updated every 10 years https://www.census.gov/en.html

Condados con la mayor población de hispanos (latinos)
Counties with largest Hispanic/Latino Population

  1. Cuyahoga: 82,500
  2. Franklin: 82,076
  3. Lorain: 34,085
  4. Lucas: 33,477
  5. Hamilton: 32,220
  6. Butler: 21,073
  7. Montgomery: 19,290
  8. Mahoning: 15,873
  9. Summit: 13,441
  10. Lake: 11,601

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, County Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics - Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin;
updated annually for states and counties https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/oh. 2020 Census of Population and Housing for places;
updated every 10 years https://www.census.gov/en.html

Ciudades con la mayor población de hispanos (latinos)
Cities with the largest Hispanic/Latino Population

  1. Columbus: 58,870 (6.5%)
  2. Cleveland: 44,895 (12.2%)
  3. Toledo: 23,630 (8.8%)
  4. Lorain: 18,190 (27.8%)
  5. Cincinnati: 13,593 (4.4%)
  6. Dayton: 6,878 (5.0%)
  7. Youngstown: 6,870 (11.4%)
  8. Parma: 5,680 (7.1%)
  9. Painesville: 5,292 (25.7%)
  10. Lakewood: 2.255 (4.5%)

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, County Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics - Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin;
updated annually for states and counties https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/oh. 2020 Census of Population and Housing for places;
updated every 10 years https://www.census.gov/en.html

Michael Donnally

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Vote desde su Hogar (para los residentes de Cuyahoga County)

  • Es la forma más segura y conveniente de votar.
  • Evite tener que formar largas colas el día de las elecciones.
  • Haga click en solicitud de voto por correo, rellénela y envíela por correo a nuestra oficina.
  • Reciba su papeleta por correo, vote y devuélvala por correo a nuestra oficina.


Vote from Home (for Cuyahoga County Residents)

  • Is the safest and most convenient way to vote.
  • Avoids you having to stand in potentially longer lines at your polling location on Election Day
  • It’s a simple 2 Step Process:
    • Request your Vote-by-Mail Application by clicking on Vote-by-Mail Application
    • Receive your ballot in the mail, vote it, and return it to our office.

Para todos los otros condados / For all other counties

Haga click en / Click on https://www.ohiosos.gov/publications/#abr

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